Your Personalized Job Search

Some surprises are pleasant, say flowers from a loved one for no reason.  Anticipation provides a sweet thrill when it is prompted by vacation planning.  Being thrown in to job search is a surprise that many feel, and few find acceptable.  And the near constant frisson of mostly unrequited anticipation while searching for that next job can wear out its welcome as well.


When you are searching for a job everyone else seems to be an expert, to have just the right advice.  There are whole sections of libraries filled with books and articles, there are seminars, and of course your brother, mother, friend and spouse can start a sentence with ‘What you should do is’.  You could become a raving lunatic trying to follow all of this often conflicting advice.


How did you originally come to be in your line of work?  How did you land your most recent position?  The answers to these questions were true for you once, and perhaps can hold truth for this turn in job search as well.  Maybe with a little spiffing up of a skill or two and a dusting off of some mildly neglected connections.


This is the thing that job search reminds us once again, truth must be reexamined periodically and revalidated.  What was once truth for us, or what might be truth for another, might not be the right thing now.


Let’s go back to all the advice.  You can become a raving lunatic if you blindly try to follow all the advice that you are given.  If you aren’t sorting through it all and looking for the parts that ring true for you and your current search.  What is right for you?


If the cookie-cutter, rubber-stamp methods of job search haven’t been working, here is another suggestion for you to look into – Finding Work When There are No Jobs by Roger Wright.  (Remember you can always use your local library, and if they don’t have a copy of a book then ask the librarian because they do by books based on patron requests.)


I am an independent sort, so Roger’s method really spoke to me.  I wholeheartedly agree with his approach regarding story.  Telling your story in a compelling manner is vital.  I was captivated by his idea to add music – the draw of rhythm and harmony is powerful.  His addition of community (a concept that has long attracted me), as opposed to networking, and stewardship provide a solid framework for a job seeker to create a personalized job search method.


This last time around, I did personalize my own job search and found success in this method – I am currently employed.  I am still writing about job search because I found the experience had a profound impact on me and I have many good friends who are currently in job search.  Also, as a hiring manager, I do still have a vested interest in sharing what I have learned from that perspective, too.


Beth Anne Reed has a background in Customer Relations, Process & Project Management and a deep interest in Written Communications.

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